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Social Contract

Expectation for C4C Product Members

  1. Product team members are expected to contribute to a C4C project until the delivery date of their assigned project which will be set near the end of the academic year.
  2. If a product team member no longer wants to remain in C4C, does not want to return to C4C the following semester, or can no longer consistently contribute because of other obligations, they should tell their project manager as soon as possible.
  3. Product team members that are not returning to C4C should make themselves available for an exit interview with the Director of Recruitment.
  4. Product team developers should make their best effort to be available for a weekly team meeting. If they cannot attend in a given week, they should let a team lead know at least 48 hours in advance and provide an update in another form.
  5. C4C members will use the Slack workspace ( as the primary form of communication. All members should regularly check their Slack messages and respond to any messages within a 48 hour time frame.
  6. Product team developers, unless explicitly given a non-coding assignment, should aim to push code to a project repository at least once a week.
  7. If a member is unable to contribute to C4C for a given week because of an illness, family emergency, overwhelming professional or scholarly obligations, or any other reason, they are expected to communicate that to their project manager.
  8. If a member isn’t respecting the team expectations, then a project manager will give them two verbal warnings throughout a semester. If the member does not have a reasonable excuse for their actions, and continues to not respect team expectations, they will be asked to leave C4C.

Expectation for C4C E-Board Members

  1. Work in progress.

Expectations for the C4C Organization

  1. C4C is an elective activity and will work to create a fun and engaging environment for its members.
  2. C4C will always welcome any developer to the C4C community who has joined and contributed to a C4C project, past or present.
  3. C4C will ensure its members are given proper guidance and training so that they can effectively contribute to their projects.
  4. C4C will teach its members through C4C resources and guides and by assigning product work that is meaningful.
  5. C4C will support its member’s professional careers by providing resources on the different stages of the co-op application process and by hosting events with potential employers.
  6. C4C will support its member’s academic goals by creating an environment of learning and sharing helpful experiences as fellow Northeastern undergraduate students.
  7. If a C4C member feels like the Code4Community organization is not respecting the club expectations, then they should bring this to the attention of a club or project lead and it will be discussed at the next All Hands meeting.