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Constitution of Code4Community

Article 1: Name

Section 1: The name of this organization shall be Code4Community, hereafter referred to as C4C.

Article 2: Purpose

Section 1: Code4Community (C4C) is a student organization at Northeastern University focused on developing and maintaining software solutions for non-profit organizations within Boston. We empower our members via mentoring and workshops, while enabling them to connect with, giveback, and support the local community they live in. C4C strives to deliver work engineered with excellence and led by inclusive design principles to ensure our solutions are intuitive, performant, and deliver the best user experience.

Article 3: Membership

Section 1: C4C does not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, color, gender, gender identity, religion, religious creed, genetics, sex, age, ancestry, veteran status, disability, or sexual orientation.

Section 2: Membership will be open to all full-time undergraduate students.

Section 3: Graduate students, part-time undergraduate students, College of Professional Studies students, and non-Northeastern affiliates are not eligible to join C4C.

Section 4: C4C will maintain a membership of at least twelve members at all times.

Article 4: Officers

Section 1: All officers will be responsible for knowing and understanding the information in the Student Organization Resource Guide, the Code of Student Conduct, the Guide to Residence Hall Living, and all other published university policies.

Section 2: All officers must be full-time undergraduate students at Northeastern University.

Section 3: The officers of C4C shall be:

  • Co-President, Director of Operations
  • Co-President, Director of Engineering
  • Director of Product
  • Director of Design
  • Director of Recruitment
  • Director of Marketing
  • Director of Events
  • Director of Finance

Section 4: The roles and responsibilities of all officers will be defined within C4C.

Article 5: Advisor

Section 1: The advisor to the club must be a full-time faculty or staff member at Northeastern. The advisor will be an ex-officio, non-voting member on all committees of the organization.

Section 2: The advisor will be responsible for financial oversight by signing all financial forms from the Student Activities Business Office.

Section 3: The advisor should be available to meet with the president(s) on a regular basis.

Section 4: The advisor can meet with officers as needed.

Article 6: Election of Officers

Section 1: Elections shall be sufficiently publicized to all members at least two weeks in advance.

Section 2.1: Elections will be held for the all director level positions.

Section 2.2: The elections will be held in the following order:

  1. Co-President, Director of Operations
  2. Co-President, Director of Engineering
  3. Director of Product
  4. Director of Design
  5. Director of Events
  6. Director of Marketing
  7. Director of Recruitment
  8. Director of Finance

Section 3.1: Qualified candidates can be nominated for a position beginning two weeks before the election and continuously until the time of voting.

Section 3.2: A qualified member may nominate themselves or be nominated by another member of C4C.

Section 3.3: A member may only be nominated for a single position at a time, but if they lose an election they are allowed to immediately nominate themselves for any election that is still waiting to happen.

Section 4.1: A qualified nominee is any member with at least 2 semesters of membership with C4C.

Section 4.2: A nominee must receive at least 50% of all possible votes. In the case that no nominee receives the necessary votes, the two candidates with the highest number of votes will participate in a runoff.

Section 4.3: In case of a tie in a runoff election, the current sitting Director of Operations will be the tie-breaking vote.

Section 5.1: If no qualified member is nominated for an election, the Director of Recruitment is responsible for finding a suitable candidate.

Section 5.2: Any candidate can be deemed qualified by a vote of the current sitting E-Board. A nominee must receive at least ⅔ of possible votes to be deemed qualified.

Section 6.1: A qualified team lead is any member with at least 1 semester of membership with C4C.

Section 6.2: Team leads will be selected by the current team lead(s) and must be confirmed by a vote of the team’s current product team members. A nominee must receive at least 50% of possible votes to be confirmed.

Section 6.3: If a nominee does not receive the necessary confirmation votes, the team lead(s) will be responsible for nominating a new candidate with sufficient time for a new confirmation vote.

Section 6.4: If a current team lead is not available to nominate a successor, the obligation of nomination will be passed to the current acting Director of Operations.

Section 7: If an officer role is vacated for any reason, then an emergency election shall be held to fill the role for the remainder of the previous officer’s term. Voting will take place for the position as outlined in Sections 4-6.

Article 7: Term of Office

Section 1: The term of office shall be one academic year. Elections will be held at the end of the Spring semester. New officials will enter their roles at the beginning of the Summer 1 semester and maintain them through Spring of the following year.

Section 2: If an officer wants to extend their term beyond one academic year, they must run for re-election. This election must be open to the entire club.

Section 3: If an E-Board member has to leave the Boston area during their term of office, they have the option to nominate a qualified replacement as defined in Article 6 Section 4 to act as a co-officer for their role until they can return. If the absent member is no longer able to perform their duties, the nominated member will take over the role for the remainder of the term. If no member is nominated and the E-Board member is no longer able to perform their duties, then Article 6 section 8 will go into effect.

Article 8: Parliamentary Authority

Section 1: Robert’s Rules of Order will be the guide for all organizational procedures not specifically defined in the constitution or by-laws.

Section 2: Quorum will be over 50% of total current membership.

Article 9: Amendments

Section 1: The by-laws and constitution may be amended by a ⅔ majority vote of present members.

Section 2: Notice of the amendment must be presented in writing at least one meeting prior to the vote.

Section 3: After a constitutional amendment is approved by the organization, the amendments must be presented to the Student Government Association’s designated approval body.