HATS Auth API Specification
For any protected route, if the access token included in the request header is expired the backend will
return a 401
with the following text indicating that a refresh is necessary:
1 |
Common Headers
For any request with a body it is assumed that this header exists:
1 |
Access Token Composition
: the ID of the authenticated userprivilegeLevel
: the user's privilege levelADMIN
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Unprotected Routes
These routes are called by a user that is not yet authenticated.
User Login
Used to authenticate the given user.
request to /api/v1/user/login
with body:
- email
: the user's email
- password
: the user's password
1 2 3 4 |
201 Created
: the email / password combination is valid; includes distinct access and refresh tokens for the given user:
1 2 3 4 |
400 Bad Request
: the given JSON request is malformed
401 Unauthorized
: the email / password combination is invalid
User Login Refresh
Used for getting a new access token.
request to /api/v1/user/login/refresh
with header:
1 |
201 Created
: the refresh token is valid and has not yet expired; response includes a new unique access token:
1 2 3 |
401 Unauthorized
: the refresh token is invalid
User Logout
Used for logging the given user out.
request to /api/v1/user/login
with headers:
1 2 |
204 No Content
: logout successful
User Signup
Used for signing up a new user.
request to /api/v1/user/signup
with body:
: the user's emailpassword
: the user's password- Requires 8-20 characters with at least one lowercase, one uppercase, one number, one special character
: the user's first namelastName
: the user's last nameprivilegeLevel
: the user's privilege levelADMIN
: the user's country:UNITED_STATES
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{ "email" : "admin@email.com", "password" : "secure", "firstName" : "John", "lastName" : "Doe", "country": "UNITED_STATES", "privilegeLevel": "ADMIN" }
201 Created
: the username and email are still available, and an account has been successfully created
1 2 3 4 |
400 Bad Request
: malformed request body
409 Conflict
: the given email or username is already in use
1 |
User Forgot Password Request
Used to send a reset password email to a user if they have forgotten their password.
request to /api/v1/user/forgot_password/request
with body:
1 2 3 |
200 OK
: the email was sent to the user successfully
400 Bad Request
: the given email is not associated with any user account
User Forgot Password Reset
Used to reset a user's password after they have requested a forget password link.
request to /api/v1/user/forgot_password/reset
with body:
1 2 3 4 |
The secret key should be determined by the frontend link that the user clicked from their email.
200 OK
: the user's identity was confirmed and the password was changed successfully
400 Bad Request
: the new password that was given is an invalid password
401 Unauthorized
: the given secret key is invalid and does not refer to an account or was created too long ago to be valid
User Email Verification
Used for confirming an account's email.
request to /api/v1/user/verify/:secret_key
with path parameters:
- secret_key: is a secret key randomly generated by the backend and sent to the user by email.
200 OK
: the user's secret key has been verified
401 Unauthorized
: the secret key is invalid or expired
Protected Routes
These routes are called by an authenticated user. These routes can only be called with a valid access JWT token specified in the following header:
1 |
Delete User Account
Deletes the user that called this route as determined by their access JWT.
request to /api/v1/protected/user
This route is only implemented to support testing and does not invalidate user access tokens. This is not safe to be called by the frontend client for this reason.
200 OK
: the user no longer exists
Update User Password
Allows a user to change their password when already authenticated.
request to /api/v1/protected/user/change_password
with body:
1 2 3 4 |
200 OK
: the password change was successful
400 Bad Request
: if the request was malformed
401 Unauthorized
: the currentPassword does not match the calling user's current password
Update User Data
Used to update a user's country or privilege level
request to /api/v1/protected/user/:user_id
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
Getting User Data
Used to get a user's data
request to /api/v1/protected/user/data
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
Response: 200 OK
Get list of users
Used to return the list of users. Admin only route.
request to /api/v1/protected/user/
Response: 200 OK
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Also has the option to get a list of users by country
request to /api/v1/protected/user/?country=<country_name>
(Notice this request was made with the country_name being united_states)
Response: 200 OK
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Disable a user account (Admin Only)
Used to disable a user's account based on the passed user id
request to /api/v1/protected/user/disable/:user_id
200 OK
: Account successfully disabled
401 Unauthorized
: the user is not authenticated
400 User not found
: no user with the given id could be found
Re-enable a user account (Admin Only)
Used to re-enable a disabled user's account based on the passed user id
request to /api/v1/protected/user/enable/:user_id
200 OK
: Account successfully enabled
401 Unauthorized
: the user is not authenticated
400 User not found
: no user with the given id could be found
Get list of disabled users
Used to return the list of disabled users. Admin only route.
request to /api/v1/protected/user/disabled
Response: 200 OK
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Also has the option to get a list of users by country
request to /api/v1/protected/user/?country=<country_name>
(Notice this request was made with the country_name being united_states)
Response: 200 OK
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