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Setting Up Your Codebase

This is a comprehensive overview of the steps required and everything needed to run the codebase locally.

Backend Setup

Download and Install

  1. Download PostgreSQL (You can use homebrew on MacOS)
  2. Download IntelliJ (Ultimate available through student account. Ultimate is required to work with JavaScript and TypeScript)
  3. Download Maven (this can be done with homebrew on MacOS, use this guide for Windows)
  4. Clone the relevant GitHub repos.

Setting JAVA_HOME to JDK 8

  1. Download Java JDK 8
  2. If it does not come with Java JRE 8, download it here
  3. Follow these steps for Windows
  4. Follow these steps for Mac OS
  5. Once you have completed the steps, check that it worked by running java -version in the command line on Windows and echo $JAVA_HOME on Mac OS. This should return something saying the version is

Start a Local Postgres Database

  1. Open the Database tab of IntelliJ (top right).
  2. Click the +, then select PostgreSQL from the Data Source menu.
  3. Use these properties: Database Properties
  4. Open a query console ("QL" button in Database menu)
  5. Create a database named exactly speak-for-the-trees or lucys-love-bus by running CREATE DATABASE "lucys-love-bus";

Update the Secret Files

  1. Open the downloaded repo in IntelliJ
  2. Open a terminal (bottom left of IntelliJ)
  3. Run ./ 'common/src/main/resources/properties/'
  4. In the file make sure the username is postgres and the password is the password you set up for the database. If you didn't choose a password leave this field blank.

Compile the Code Base

  1. Run mvn clean install from the root directory
  2. If the code does not compile after this, remove the target directories from the folders api, common, persist and service, then try again.
  3. Run mvn spotless:apply to apply code formatting corrections to your code if your build is failing because of spotless:check

Running the API

The class has a main method for running the API. Once running, the API is accessible at http://localhost:8081. All routes have the /api/v1 prefix to them. For example, the HTTP request to get all the teams would be GET http://localhost:8081/api/v1/teams.

Backend Overview Video

A while back Liam gave an overview of the backend to a few people. It may be a bit dated now, but it should provide a good introduction to our backend architecture. See the video here.

Frontend Setup

Download Node and NPM

Follow the directions at to set up Node.js and NPM on your local computer.

Configure IntelliJ

Open your project in IntelliJ. If the IDE prompts you to install NPM dependencies, you can just click that. Otherwise, open a terminal and run npm install.